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The Off-Season

As summer ball and wood bat leagues come to a close and college and high school player’s return to school, the real offseason starts to set in. While some use this time to relax and just get back into the routine of going to class, good players know this is the time to get better. This is the time to look back on what has got you to wherStare for Pilot display screene you are. What have you done well? What do you need to work on? The offseason is where you get stronger, where you refine your skills, where weaknesses become strengths. This is the time where instead of sleeping in, you’re out of bed by 5:30 to get to that 6 am workout. You may not be playing games, but baseball season never really ends.
They say that the fall is where you become a family, and spring is where you prove it. The summer was fun to play ball with old friends and get your share of cuts in with that custom MaxBat wood bat….but as the leaves turn, so does the mentality. It now becomes time to get back with the boys and create that family. Every team is different and every year is different. You may not want to get up early to work out, but your teammates are right there with you pushing you to be your best and get that max rep. The offseason is where good players become great. You may not have coaches instructing you on what drills to do or when to get in the gym, but just because no one is watching doesn’t mean you don’t work hard. Extra tee work with a wood bat, or that extra bullpen, or that extra sprint are what make you ready to perform your best once spring rolls around.
The point I am trying to make is enjoy this time. Cherish the opportunity you have to play the best game on earth, no matter what level it may be. Be motivated to get up early or stay up late to work on your craft. As a former college player myself, and only being out of college for a few months, I can already say I miss the workouts after class and just hanging with the guys. Being able to play baseball every day were the best days of my life. Enjoy every game of catch, every cut off the tee, every feeling you get when hitting the ball squarely with a wood bat, every ground ball…..because while this may be the greatest game, we can’t play it forever.

Written by MaxBat contributor, Tyler Flakne

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