All you need to participate in the loyalty program is an account. If you already have an account, you're already earning RBI points.
Don't have an account yet? No problem, you'll get the chance to create an account when you checkout with your first order and you'll start earning RBI points with your first order too.
Earning your rewards is simple, for every dollar you spend with Maxbat, you receive one RBI point, the more RBI points you collect, the more you save. We'll even keep track of your points and e-mail you your discount codes when you reach the required amounts.
To check your RBI point total to date, simply log in to your account and view your RBI point total.
As a participant in the loyalty program you will also automatically receive 5% off all orders over $300. All you you need to do is log into your account during checkout to receive this instant savings!
Points earned will continue to accumulate until 1,500 total RBI points are earned. Upon reaching the 1,500 RBI point level, your RBI points will be reset to zero, any points earned above 1,500 will be applied to your new RBI count (i.e. you earned 1,650 RBI points, your counter will be reset to zero plus + 150 RBI points for a new total of 150 RBI points).
RBI Chart
500 RBI points earned = 15% discount code good for 1 use
1,000 RBI points earned = 20% discount code good for 1 use
1,500 RBI points earned = 25% discount code good for 1 use
* RBI points are awarded ONLY for dollars spent on products and does not include taxes, shipping or money saved on discounts applied to order.
** Discount codes can be applied one per order and are not eligible for use with specials